Eco Friendly 43mm glue gun with high output which is electronically controlled for industrial use. Tec 3500 is a powerful tool featuring a patented ECOTEC technology for exceptional temperature control with eco-friendly phased standby operation. This tool is designed for heavy, all day use. Please do not leave this tool turned on all day with only sporadic use as this may cause glue back up ! Fit the 180c module if the tool is going to be used intermittently or left long periods without use to prevent backup
· Better Temperature control modules from 130c – 215c
· Energy saving stand –by mode
· Higher output & trigger boost
· Fast recovery from standby
The new Tec 3500 glue gun has a higher output and also features a clever trigger boost system that increases power when the trigger is pulled, upping the output even more. This coupled with the fast recovery from standby, ensures that the adhesive is always applied at the right temperature for the application – vital for consistent and quality bonding.
Why you should only use Tecbond 43mm slugs in Tec 43mm glue guns
Only use specified Tecbond 43mm glue slugs / cartridges within the Tec 43mm glue gun range
- New Glue Guns For Old
- Tec Applicators Warranty Conditions
- Glue Gun Safety and Advice
- How To Clean a Hot Glue Gun
- How to change the nozzle on a Tec glue gun
- What’s the difference between Glue Backup and Melt Back ?
- Glue Gun excessively dripping?
- Before you use your Glue Gun
- Glue Gun Safety and Advice
View our range of 43mm Glue Slugs or try our Glue Selector