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Tec Glue Guns and Tecbond Glue Sticks for woodworking applications

You may already know that we supply a range of adhesives covering edgebanding to PVAc adhesives, but did you know we supply a range of hot melt glue guns and glue sticks? Commonly used in manufacturing, including woodworking, assembly, furniture, caravan, insulation, mattress, upholstery, granite worktop fitters, kitchen manufacturers & installers, window & door manufacturers, […]

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We’ve stopped selling competitor sealants!

Why? Because we have discovered EB25 the ultimate adhesive and sealant It’s exceptionally strong, sticks to almost anything and even works underwater. EB25 is environmentally friendly and Made in Britain ! Buy Online Now! Exceptionally strong, sticks to almost anything and even works underwater! It’s resistant to mould, temperature extremes, chemicals, petrol, UV radiation, plus […]

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Check your glue stick stock levels – Routine factory shutdown 2019

Tecbond UK Glue Stick Manufacturing Plant – Routine Summer Maintenance As happens every year, the UK Glue Stick Manufacturing Plant will be closed for their annual summer maintenance shutdown from Monday 22nd July through to Friday 2nd August 2019, full production resumes Monday 5th August 2019. As always, we aim to mitigate any impact on […]

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In conversation with Darren Ogden

Who are Kenyon Group Ltd, frequently referred to as “Kenyon’s”? Darren Ogden – Kenyon Sales Manager steps up to answer the question – Who are Kenyon’s: The name Kenyon is synonymous with adhesives since 1979 yet we glide under the radar of the multi-national competitors by delivering an impeccable service to the end user.  We […]

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Everbuild Mitre Fast – Instant bonding mitre adhesive

Instant bonding with Mitre Fast cyanoacrylate adhesive and aerosol activator View / Buy Mitre Fast Bonding Kit is a two-part instant adhesive system comprising a cyanoacrylate adhesive and aerosol activator. Mitre Fast is mainly used in the furniture, timber, kitchen and plastics industries where its instant bonding properties dramatically reduce assembly times for mitre joints […]

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How are hot glue sticks made?

Hot glue sticks are made by combining polymers and additives. The molten mixture is then shaped, cooled, and cut to size. The polymers and additives are combined when heated – the substance is molten. It flows down long tubes through cooling containers to set. The hardened glue is then sliced to the correct length What […]

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