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TEC 6300 43mm Spray Glue Gun

TEC 6300 EX 43mm Spray Glue Gun

EX = 6m or 12m extension cordset with this tool

Interchangable cordset applicator offering the user the option of

12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£577.77(inc. VAT £693.32)
TEC 7100 EX 43mm Glue Gun

TEC 7100 43mm Glue Gun

Probably the most powerful glue gun available, 1000 watt, pneumatic with speed loader

TEC 7100 is one of a series of new generation pneumatic hot melt applicators. Probably one of the worldâ€...

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£564.42(inc. VAT £677.3)
TEC 7100 EX 43mm Glue Gun

TEC 7100 EX 43mm Glue Gun

EX = 6m or 12m extension cordset with this tool

Interchangable cordset applicator offering the user the option of

12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£564.42(inc. VAT £677.3)
TEC 7300 43mm Spray Glue Gun

TEC 7300 43mm Spray Glue Gun

1000 Watt, powerful glue gun with speed loader spray system

TEC 7300 is one of a series of new generation pneumatic hot melt applicators. Gluegunsdirect.com says "the T...

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£638.67(inc. VAT £766.4)
TEC 7300 43mm Spray Glue Gun

TEC 7300 EX 43mm Spray Glue Gun

EX = 6m or 12m extension cordset with this tool

Interchangable cordset applicator offering the user the option of

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£638.67(inc. VAT £766.4)
TEC 806 12mm Glue Gun

TEC 806 12mm Glue Gun

Low cost medium size industrial / trade 12mm glue gun

This tool is fitted with the standard

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 month warranty
£48.87(inc. VAT £58.64)
TEC 810 12mm Glue Gun

TEC 810 12mm Glue Gun

Reliable & Powerful Industrial 12mm Glue Gun

The Tec 810-12 is a heavy-duty, industrially-rated 

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£84.00(inc. VAT £100.8)

TEC 810 15mm Industrial Glue Gun

Reliable & Powerful Industrial 15mm Glue Gun glue gun for use with Tecbond 15mm Glue Sticks

Powerful and reliable Tec 810-15 glue gun designed for use with Tecbond 15mm glue sticks ...

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£84.00(inc. VAT £100.8)
TEC 820 12mm Glue Gun

TEC 820 12mm Glue Gun

Adjustable Temperature Industrial 12mm Glue Gun

The Tec 820-12 brings a new level of performance and reliability to the mid-range professional

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£96.00(inc. VAT £115.2)
TEC 820 15mm Glue Gun

TEC 820 15mm Glue Gun

Adjustable temperature glue gun for use with Tecbond 15mm Glue Sticks

Created to suit a range of applications, the Tec 820-15 comes with a built-in temperature control th...

5.0 / 5.0 Based on 0 reviews.
12 Month Warranty
Made in Britain
£96.00(inc. VAT £115.2)

Showing 11–20 of 25 results

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