Power Adhesives

Groovtec 561 Drywall adhesive
Speed of application: the adhesive is quickly and accurately applied using an industrial glue gun
Groovtec 561 is the highest performance ‘V’ Groove adhesive, it creates tougher more shock resistant ...

Groovtec 563FR Drywall adhesive
Strong bonds: tough bonds that are stronger than the plasterboard itself - Fire retardant adhesive
Groovtec 563FR ‘has been formulated as a fire retardant adhesive for use in V grooving in plasterboard ...

Knottec 305 wood repair kit
Knottec® Knot Filling Adhesive
Knottec 305 wood repair kit Knottec® Knot Filling Adhesive Our unique knottec® knot-filling adhesive ha...

KNOTTEC 7713 Knot / wood repair
Fast and effective knottec wood repair system
KNOTTEC 7713 Knot / wood repair hot melt filler available in many colours to provide the perfect match. Fast...

Knottec 820 wood repair kit
Knottec® Knot Filling Adhesive
Knottec® 820-12 Kit Our unique knottec® knot-filling adhesive has ...

Metal Stand for Tec 305 / 805 / 810 / 820 Glue Guns
Alternative stand for TEC 305 / 805 / 810 / 820 Glue Gun Range. Allows removal of integral...

MDJ016 nozzle
Standard nozzle for the Tec 305 / Tec 806 only. 2mm orifice, 12mm extension Valve type: Oiler Mater...

MDJ017 Spreader Nozzle
Slotted Spreader 12mm Wide
Allows a 12mm wide spread of adhesive. (Formally known as ADJ004 spreader nozzle) Valve type: O...
Showing 21–30 of 70 results