The Glue Experts, Author at Glue Sticks, Guns, Dots & Hot Melt Adhesives UK | Glue Guns Direct - Page 34 of 38

New updates to our Service & Advice Section are committed to supplying high quality hot melt adhesives, glue dots and glue gun applicators to meet the ever changing and challenging materials used in today’s manufacturing processes with the emphasis on environmentally friendly adhesives. Delivering total solutions for any and every application problem. Solutions which include the supply of both the adhesive and […]

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New Quikdot Pro for Permanent resealing of pop open cartons

New and exciting handy applicator for dispensing a permanent adhesive glue pattern to cartons, boxes, trays whereby the original method of sealing has failing causing the product to pop open. Quikdot Pro is a quick and easy solution to resealing the problem of pop opens without the need of rejecting or returning the products to […]

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Orange coloured glue sticks added to the Tecbond range

Tecbond 240 ORANGE multi-purpose hot melt adhesive with good adhesion to many surfaces. Used extensively in the arts, crafts, floristry, schools and colleges covering off many applications for bonding of fabrics, paper, card, cork, buttons, string, foil, tin cans, bottle tops, plastics, cork, felt, floristry foam, ribbons, board, novelty and gift items, the list just […]

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Tecbond Glue Sticks for Sample, Pattern and Swatch Sample Books

Are you gluing and attaching fabrics, textiles, vinyl, carpets, veneers, curtains and blinds, leather and suede or plastics samples to pattern, sample or swatch books, show cards, wallets with promotional card with samples, folders or polystyrene cassettes. We have a Tecbond glue stick covering off your application. Tecbond Hot Melt or Low Melt adhesives, are […]

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Glue Gun Safety Standards – why you should buy a TEC glue gun!

Power Adhesives are the only UK glue gun and glue stick manufacturer. Their TEC brand of glue guns are built to the safety standard: BS EN 60335-2-45. They have chosen to design and build their tools to this general standard (specifically relating to portable electrical heating tools), in order to demonstrate compliance with the so-called […]

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Will non Tecbond Glue Sticks fit in a Tec Glue Gun & will Tecbond Glue Sticks fit in a non-Tec Glue Gun?

Surprisingly we get asked on so many occasions: Will non Tecbond Glue Sticks fit in a Tec Glue Gun & will Tecbond Glue Sticks fit in a non- Tec Glue Gun? To answer this question, I must state that we only recommend that Tecbond glue sticks are used in Tec glue guns. With this said, […]

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Paintless dent repair with glue guns

What Is Paintless Dent Removal? Paintless dent removal, often referred to as “PDR”, is a method for removing minor dents and dings from the body of a car, van, caravan or any other vehicle. Using PDR glue tabs (PDR Glue Sticks) and other paintless dent removal tools, a wide range of damage can be repaired. […]

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Tec 805-12mm and Tec 805-15mm Glue Guns now available in Low Melt

Tec 805-12 and Tec 805-15 now available in Low Melt Versions The Tec 805 Glue Gun which has seen sales soar in the UK and Europe since its launch in May 2011 and now, we see further developments. To complement the Tec 805 range we see the addition of a Low Melt tool designed to […]

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Tecbond UK Glue Stick Manufacturing Plant – Summer Maintenance

Tecbond UK Glue Stick Manufacturing Plant – Summer Maintenance. Please note that in line with our usual practice, the UK Glue Stick Manufacturing Plant will be closed for annual summer maintenance shutdown from Sunday 22nd July through to Sunday 5th August 2012. All Tecbond Glue Sticks lines will be affected – 12mm / 15mm / […]

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The Olympics are in town……and delivery delays will be inevitable

Throughout July, August and September this year, the Olympics are in town. In light of this we are likely to experience severe congestion in a number of areas in and around London and across the country which will effect deliveries of your glue guns, glue sticks and glue dot orders! There are many statistics associated […]

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Glue Stick / Glue Gun Terminology – Explained

Glue Stick / Glue Gun Terminology – Explained The adhesive industry is no exception, we use terminology that is not always understood by the layman. On this note we thought it would be a good idea to explain a few of the more commonly used terms (alphabetically) when describing Hot Melt Adhesives and Glue Guns […]

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Unsuitable competitor 43mm glue slugs / cartridges

Very Important Technical Bulletin Following an investigation regarding a recent customer complaint, it has been brought to our attention that some glue stick competitors are supplying unsuitable 43mm adhesive cartridges (glue slugs) for use in our Tec 43mm glue gun range. The glue slugs / cartridges in question are non-conforming and as such will not seal […]

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