Making Kusudama flowers from origami paper with a Tec 305 Glue Gun - Glue Sticks, Guns, Dots & Hot Melt Adhesives UK | Glue Guns Direct

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Making Kusudama flowers from origami paper with a Tec 305 Glue Gun

Meet the Boulds who make Kusudama flowers from origami paper and have been using double sided tape to keep them together but not too successfully.

They saw an advert for a glue gun + glue sticks that could glue anything and thought they would give it a try. They applied for one of the free guns and glue sticks and were successful. It arrived the next day and they couldn’t wait to open it and put it through its paces.

Below are a few words and photos of how the flowers are made and the use of the glue gun which is a TEC 305.


The flower is made up using 5 sheets of paper and folded into petals and then glued together to make the completed flower the above picture shows the paper and the glue gun at the ready


Above is picture of the folds used to make the flower


The picture above is showing the first petal being glued together using flexible glue stick. A further 4 more petals are made and glued using the same procedure.


Once all the petals are made and glued they are then all glued together to make the finished flower


Once all the petals have been glued together a stem is glued into the centre of the flower and then the flower is glued together


The above pictures show the gluing and the inserting of the stem


Picture of the finished flower


And what is a flower without a bouquet……….


The Tec 305 glue gun is an absolute must for this type of crafting and the Boulds will not be going back to double sided tape………..EVER


It’s hard to image being a crafter without a Tec 305 glue gun – what can we GLUE for you ?



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