Protective cases cover a vast market from flight cases, watch cases, media & data storage cases, gun cases, medical cases, camera & drone cases, museum cases, transport cases, any object that needs protection needs a protective case!
Aluminium cases, polypropylene cases, also known as poly cases, even timber packaging crates have foam inserts bonded to protect products during transit and storage to create padding and protection. The foam is bonded with Tecbond Spraytec 420 (3 minute open time) or Tecbond Spraytec 430 (6 minute open time) hot melt adhesive grades applied via a Tec 6300 or Tec 7300 spray tools. Once applied Tecbond Spraytec adhesives will provide an aggressive adhesive coating for either 3 minutes or 6 minutes depending on formulations, after this the adhesive sets to produce a tough resilient bond.
Image shows Mark Truman (Operation Director) who prefers the ease of handheld tools for assembling cases in various parts of the factory, static bulk systems don’t give the flexibility. The Tec 6300 and Tec 7300 glue guns have a version for the cord sets to be extended to 12 metres, meaning you can take the glue to the job, not the job to the gluing station!
What can we GLUE for you, challenge Steve, call on 07960 047020 or email: – proud to support Guide Dogs and keeping Britain bonded since 1979
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